
Media Training for Startups

ExpertMediaTraining.com - we provide training for media interviews, presentations, and videos.Most startups are in a unique position to shape their messages clearly and strategically.

You have a clean slate. What do you want to put on that slate?

How do you want to be perceived as a company and as an individual?

For what do you want to position your company and yourself in the future – an IPO, acquisition, international growth or something else?

What and how you communicate now can help you achieve your immediate and long-term goals.

Media training for startups can include the key spokesperson(s) and anyone else in your firm that might address the media as a subject-matter expert.


Our media training for startups is customized, but it can include:

media interview skills, including, understanding how to provide the media with what they want while conveying your key messages,

working with cameras and technology, maintaining control in interviews, delivery and all aspects of communication

strategy regarding primary messages to be conveyed and positioning for the future

clear and powerful message development

consistency of message delivery amongst spokespeople and the remainder of the team

crisis communication practices for the entire organization

communication standards and policies for the entire organization

and more

Our lead trainer and founder Lisa Elia has been media training to startups over more than 20 years, helping them to successfully navigate interviews with top media outlets that include The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, Bloomberg Businessweek, New York Times, GMA, Today, CNBC, CNN and hundreds of others.

Expert Media Training has trained clients for interviews with major media outlets that include Wall Street Journal, CNN, MSNBC, Forbes, TIME, Clear Channel Radio and many other outlets.

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